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These are examples of homework we have set for children learning from home.
You can can also download the information as documents (PDF and Publisher formats).

Year 3

Reading: Read to an adult every day for at least 10 minutes.

Maths: Practise 3, 4 and 8 times tables so that that your child can count in 3s, 4s and 8s as well as remember the multiplication facts and be able to answer questions in a  random order.

Online: Access NUMBOTS, TT Rockstars and DB Primary for additional learning opportunities.

Year 4 

Reading: Please ensure that your child reads 5 times a week for 10 minutes each time. Please mark and sign when your child reads in their Homework diary as this information will be added to our class reading chart.

Maths: Please ensure your child practises their times tables on Times Table Rockstars.

Spellings: Please ensure your child practises their spellings. Depending on which class your child is in, these may be practised on DB Primary or Spelling Shed.

Year 5

Reading: Children must read at home daily. This should be recorded in the Home School Diary, which is expected to be brought into school each day. We monitor your child's reading on a weekly basis and keep a record of how often they are reading using the Class Reading Chart.

Maths: TT Rockstars is a fun way of engaging your child in rapid recall of times tables up to 12 x 12. They must complete a Soundcheck on a weekly basis so that we can monitor their ongoing progress.

Year 6

Year 6 homework will be handed out weekly and will consist of Maths, Grammar and Reading tasks throughout the year. Its purpose is to support the teaching of key skills and embed vocabulary and knowledge learnt in class. 


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